Monday, 23 September 2013

Moor Lane and Toons island

The saga of Moor Lane continues...

We have now been told that we may not access or fish in the small triangular field directly downstream of Toons island. What that means is that to access Toons you must walk downstream from Pillings even if the Moor Lane car park is open. Likewise you enter via Moor Lane you may not walk through that field and head upstream.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Moor Lane access

Moor Lane parking

The Moor Lane parking will be open for the use of all members next weekend, Saturday the 28th of September and Sunday the 29th of September.

Further dates will be announced soon.

There will be matches held in the Toons are on October the 27th, November the 3rd and November the 10th. The parking area off Moor lane will be open on these dates and all members are welcome to use this and fish pegs not in use for the matches. The match pegs will be marked out prior to this.

Members must not use this access point unless prior notice has been announced by the committee on on here and on our Facebook page